In Sea of Thieves running cargo for the Merchant Alliance will require you to know where specific NPC pirates are stationed on various islands. These Merchant Alliance Quests take you on a journey from island to island, delivering various resources to these NPC pirates in order to gain experience toward the Merchant Alliance.
Here is a list of all the cargo run NPC islands and locations you need to keep track of in Sea of Thieves. We have listed each in NPC in alphabetical order we hope you find this informational and helpful in your journey. Some islands will have images further explaining exactly where the NPC sits on the larger islands (basically all islands accept for seaposts have images… seaposts are tiny, super easy to find the pirate you are looking for).
If you are unfamiliar with the locations of all the islands in SOT, feel free to check out our Sea of Thieves interactive map where you can circle islands, browse islands by their shapes (for Gold Hoarder Missions), locate tall tales, search islands by name, and find islands that are inhabited with livestock; pigs, snakes, and chickens.
Let us jump right in. In alphabetical order, here are all the Cargo Run NPC and their locations in the Sea of Thieves.
Table of Contents
- Island: Brian’s Bazaar
- Brian is on Brian’s Bazaar Seapost in the Devils Roar. A seapost is a tiny outpost where merchants and Hunters Call representatives are stationed. Brian is found at the central point of the island behind the shop counter (he is not the NPC on the dock).
Burnin’ Tony

- Island: Ruby’s Fall
- A tip for Tony’s wearabouts is that he’s BURNIN. He can be found on Rubys Fall in the Devil’s Roar. More specifically, look to the western chunk of separated land.

- Island: Dagger Tooth Outpost
- Carl is found inside the Clothing Shop on Dagger Tooth Outpost. The clothing shop is on the south western hemisphere of the island.
- Island: Three Paces East Seapost
- Find Catherine behind the shop counter, centered on the island.

- Island: Golden Sands Outpost
- Cecil is found on Golden Sands Outpost inside the Clothing Shop. The clothing shop is on the north western section of island.

- Island: Sanctuary Outpost
- Look on the south side of the largest portion of island for the clothing shop to find Charles the Sea of Thieves Cargo Run NPC.

- Island: Morrow’s Peak Outpost
- Chester is the Clothing Shop Merchant on Morrow’s Peak Outpost out in the Devil’s Roar. The clothing shop is located to the south east portion of land.

- Island: Plunder Outpost
- Chris, the Cargo Run NPC is found on Plunder Outpost inside the Clothing Shop. The clothing shop on Plunder outpost is found on the northern tip of land next to the rest of the merchants.

- Island: Ancient Spire Outpost
- Have you noticed the pattern yet? Colin is the Clothing Shop merchant found on Ancient Spire Outpost.

- Island: Galleon’s Grave Outpost
- Cooper the Galleon’s Grave clothing merchant is found on the south western portion of island.
Deadshot Charolette

- Island: Lone Cove
- To find Deadshot Charolette, look to the west side of Lone Cove. She is nestled next to some rocks on the edge of the beach.
- Island: Roaring Traders
- Find Elanor on the Roaring Traders Seapost.
Five Paces Frank

- Island: Mermaid’s Hideaway
- To find Five Paces Frank run inward from the north eastern portion of land. You will see a lagoon, follow the lagoon edge, Frank will be tucked inward toward the central point of Mermaid’s Hideaway next to the lagoon.
Grogsoaked ED

- Island: Shipwreck Bay
- Look to the northern beach of Shipwreck Bay to find Grogsoaked ED. He is on the largest centered section of island, not on the circling tiny rock forged islands.
- Island: The Wild Treasures Store
- Jonah is the merchant on the Wild Treasures Store Seapost.
Lootin Penelope

- Island: Kraken’s Fall
- To find Looting Penelope, head over to the east side of Kraken’s Fall. She is on the southern point of the far eastern slit of land.
Martha the Fierce

- Island: Devil’s Ridge
- Martha the Fierce is found on Devils Ridge on the western beach, south of the pond with the waterfall.
- Island: The Spoils of Plenty Store
- Peter in SOT is the Merchant found on the Spoils of Plenty Store Seapost, not to be confused with the Hunters Call representative on the dock.
- Island: The Finest Trading Post
- The Finest Trading Post Seapost is where you will find Rachel for Cargo Runs in Sea of Thieves. She is the central merchant standing behind the counter.

- Island: Dagger Tooth Outpost
- The SOT NPC Sandra is the Ship skin merchant found on Dagger Tooth Outpost, on the docks across from the Merchant Alliance rep on the southern side of the island.

- Island: Galleon’s Grave Outpost
- Find Scarlet the ship skin merchant on the east side of the southern dock on Galleons Grave Outpost.
Senior Trader Matilda

- Morrow’s Peak Outpost
- Senior Trader Matilda is the Merchant Alliance Representative found on the south western docks at Morrow’s Peak Outpost.

- Ancient Spire Outpost
- Cargo run Shelley can be found on the eastern docks of Ancient Spire Outpost.
- Island: Stephen’s Spoils
- In Sea of Thieves Stephen is the random vendor merchant located on Stephen’s Spoils Seapost.

- Island: Morrow’s Peak Outpost
- Stevie is the ship skin merchant found on the south western docks of Morrow’s Peak Outpost across from/catty corner to the Merchant Alliance Rep Senior Trader Matilda.

- Island: Plunder Outpost
- Find Sue the ship shop merchant on the north western docks of Plunder Outpost.

- Island: Morrow’s Peak Outpost
- Tad is located on Morrow’s Peak Outpost inside the Equipment Shop. The equipment shop on Morrow’s Peak is nearly dead center of the eastern portion of the island.

- Island: Plunder Outpost
- Tanya is the barkeep of Plunder Outpost. She is found behind the bar inside the Tavern.

- Island: Ancient Spire Outpost
- Find Tasha in the Ancient Spire Outpost Tavern atop the hill. She will be behind the bar. Tasha is also the starting point of the The Legendary Storyteller tall tale. Find the Tall Tale book sitting on the right side of the bar.

- Island: Ancient Spire Outpost
- Tim is the Equipment Shop Merchant of Ancient Spire Outpost located on the east, southeastern side of the island.

- Island: Golden Sands Outpost
- To find Tom for Cargo Runs in SOT head on over to the north western portion of Golden Sands Outpost.

- Island: Dagger Tooth Outpost
- Tony is the equipment shop merchant at Dagger Tooth Outpost. Find him tucked in near the center of the island on the southern side near the large portion of beach and main dock.

- Island: Plunder Outpost
- To find Travis for Cargo Runs in Sea of Thieves, head over to the northern portion of Plunder Outpost. He will be inside the Equipment Shop, closest to the dock, next to the rest of the merchants.

- Island: Galleon’s Grave Outpost
- Trevor is the equipment shop merchant on Galleons Grave Outpost.

- Island: Sanctuary Outpost
- To find Tyler for Cargo Runs, sail to Sanctuary Outpost, dock to the western side of the island and look for the Equipment shop, he is the Equipment merchant.
Walter the Feared

- Island: Fetcher’s Rest
- In Sea of Thieves, Walter the Feared is standing on the tiny pier, on the west side of Fetcher’s Rest (in the Devil’s Roar).

- Island: Morrow’s Peak Outpost
- To find Wednesday look for the Weapon shop on the western portion of land on Morrows Peak Outpost.

- Island: Sanctuary Outpost
- Wendy is the weapon shop keep found on Sanctuary Outpost.

- Island: Plunder Outpost
- Whitney, friends of Wendy, she too is a Weaponsmith. Whitney can be found inside the Weaponsmith shop on Plunder Outpost.
Wild Henry

- Island: Crook’s Hollow
- Wild Henry in Sea of Thieves is found on the western pier of Crooks Hollow.

- Island: Galleon’s Grave Outpost
- To find Willow, sail over to Galleon’s Grave Outpost, park at the southern dock and head inward for the Weaponsmith. The weapon shop where Willow works is right across from the dock.

- Island: Ancient Spire Outpost
- Wilma in Sea of Thieves is the Weaponsmith merchant on Ancient Spire Outpost.

- Island: Dagger Tooth Outpost
- Winnie is the one eyed Weaponsmith in SOT located on Dagger Tooth Outpost.

- Island: Golden Sands Outpost
- Wonda is the Weapon Shop Keeper located on Golden Sands Outpost. Find her inside the weapon hut on the north western section of island.
- Island: The North Star Seapost
- Yura is found in the central point of the North Star Seapost behind the counter top. Also known as the dedicated store merchant of the island.
The Pattern Within The Names
Something I noticed when creating this article (it is something I overlooked until I put all the NPC’s in alphabetical order). The NPC’s names are clues to what profession they represent. Names starting with a [C] is most often a merchant who owns a clothing shop. An [S] named NPC more often than not are Ship shop keepers, [W] for weapon merchants. Male [T] names represent equipment shops and female [T] names are tavern bar keeps (and so on).
This doesn’t 100% apply to all names sadly, there are some exceptions to these rules. In addition, multi named individuals are indications of non-outpost locations (Lootin Penelope, Walter the Feared, etc)…But if you are someone who is attempting to memorize all the NPCs these patterns might help your mental sorting.