cursed rogue tall tale madam olivia

The Cursed Rogue Tall Tale Guide [Sea of Thieves]

After you’ve completed The Shroudbreaker tale, the next quest on the list of Tall Tales is the Cursed Rogue. This is the next step in the path to the Shores of Gold. In the first Tall Tale, you were sent out on a journey to recover the lost Shroudbreaker, a mystical totem. Now you have to hunt down the gemstones that power the totem. The first step in recovering these stones is to find Captain Briggsy. Her memories are the key to uncovering the locations of these precious gems.  

Activate the Cursed Rogue Tall Tale

Cursed Rogue Tall Tale starting journal location

Unlike the Shroudbreaker Tall Tale, The Cursed Rogue can only be activated at Plunder Outpost. Find Madame Olivia in the Order of Souls purple tent. The tall tale book will be to her immediate left, on a table with a melting candle. Majority of your crew members will have to accept the quest for it to activate (get to the book and “vote”).

Quick Scoop

Madam Olivia will provide you with journal pages to both; the location of a skeleton key, as well as a special rogue skeleton chest. In summation, the full Cursed Rogue Tall Tale will consist of five activities. First, finding the chest (1) and key (2), these first steps unlock two items to bring back to Madam Olivia so she can make you a special compass. This compass acts like Jack Sparrow’s compass, but instead of pointing you toward what you desire most, it leads you to Captain Briggsy. Find and kill Captain Briggsy to retrieve her skull. Once you acquire her skull, bring it back to Madame Olivia so she can perform a ritual to uncover Briggsy’s knowledge of the Shroudbreaker gems, thus ending the Tall Tale and rewarding you with progress, and 8,000 gold. Let us get started.

Locate the Rogue’s Skeleton Key and Chest

Technically, these two (finding the chest and key) can be done in either order. Madam Oliva provides journal pages to both of these objects at the start of the tall tale. Whichever you prefer to get first is up to you. Both objects are hidden on separate islands and will be protected by skeleton captains. To match the order in which the riddles are provided, we will be discussing finding the key first.

Find the Skeleton Key

The Skeleton Key is kept safe in the hands of a Skeleton Captain. The journal pages provided offer up clues to help you find the right island. There are multiple islands where the key could be hidden, lets jump right in.

Follow these steps:

  1. Journal pages will provide clues to direct you to the island
  2. Once at the island, a creepy skeleton lord will start to talk (dialogue will appear on your screen)
  3. Find the skeleton captain sitting in a huddle
  4. Kill the skeleton captain and the key will drop

Known Island Locations for the Cursed Rogue Key

Within the journal pages, there are riddles that reveal the island you are looking for. The majority of the text is setting up the clues, therefore it will be repeated throughout all the different versions of the journal pages. Below we have compiled the important riddle clues that provide the information you will need to uncover the island you are looking for. We have included the photos of the journal pages; however, we have scraped the exact text clues you need in order to determine which island you seek.

Barnacle Cay

  • Riddle 1: Where, do we hide it? Keep Searching. Keep looking. In the Northern Eastern Ancient Isles is a good place to keep it.
  • Riddle 2: We camp on the little isle. Settle down to protect the key.
Barnacle Cay Cursed Rogue Key image 1

Barnacle Cay Cursed Rogue Key image 2

Barnacle Cay Cursed Rogue Key location on island

Castaway Isle

  • Riddle 1: Where, do we hide it? Keep searching. Keep looking. In the Northern Ancient Isles is a good place to keep it.
  • Riddle 2: We camp on the little isle. Settle down to protect the key.
Castaway Isle Cursed Rogue Key image 1
Castaway Isle Cursed Rogue Key image 2
castaway isle location of skeleton key for cursed rogue tall tale

Devil’s Ridge

  • Riddle 1: Where do we hide it? Keep searching. Keep looking. In the Eastern Ancient Isles is a good place to keep it.
  • Riddle 2: We make our camp atop the hill. Settle down to protect the key.
Devils Ridge journal pages 1
Devils Ridge journal pages 2
devils ridge skeleton key location on island

Shark Bait Cove

  • Riddle 1: Where, do we hide it? Keep searching. Keep looking. In the Southern Ancient Isles is a good place to keep it.
  • Riddle 2: We camp deep within the cove. Settle down to protect the key.
Shark Bait Cove journal pages 1
Shark Bait Cove journal pages 2
Location of Skeleton Key on Shark Bait Cove

Snake Island

  • Riddle 1: Where, do we hide it? Keep searching. Keep looking. In the Northern Ancient Isles is a good place to keep it.
  • Riddle 2: We camp atop the centre isle. Settle down to protect the key.
Snake Island journal page cursed rogue skeleton key 1
Snake Island journal page cursed rogue skeleton key 2
Location of cursed rogue skeleton key on snake island

Wanderer’s Refuge

  • Riddle 1: Where, do we hide it? Keep searching. Keep looking. In the Southern Shores of Plenty is a good place to keep it.
  • Riddle 2: We camp atop the isle. Settle down to protect the key
Wanderers Refuge journal page one for the cursed rogue skeleton key
Wanderers Refuge journal page two for the cursed rogue skeleton key
location of the cursed rogue skeleton key on wanderers refuge

Find the Cursed Rogue Skeleton Chest

thieves haven cursed rogue skeleton chest

Same as the key, the journal pages will lead you to the location of the chest. The chest will be guarded by a skeleton captain. Kill the captain, and then dig where the drawing in the journal page displays. The captain will be next to the location of the buried chest because he is there to protect it. He will not be directly on top of it but in the immediate vicinity.

  1. Follow hints in the journal pages
  2. Listen for the skeleton to speak to you while on the island
    • Thieves Haven for example, the skeleton is up high on the hill by the three stone heads, so he won’t start speaking until you get closer to him (this is what I experienced)
  3. Kill the captain
  4. Dig up the chest, find the location by using the photo in the journal pages

Known Island Locations for the Cursed Rogue Chest:

Crooks Hollow

  • Riddle 1: We sail with her special chest! In the Northern Ancient Isles. We looks for an island to keep it. Looks for a big one that can hide it.
location of cursed rogue chest on crooks hollow

Use the photos provided, either on this page or in your journal in-game, to determine the location of the chest. It will be found buried inside the cave with the circling lizards painting next to the scaffolding.

crooks hollow journal page 1 for cursed rogue chest location
crooks hollow journal page 3 for cursed rogue chest location
crooks hollow journal page 2 for cursed rogue chest location
crooks hollow journal page 4 for cursed rogue chest location

Discovery Ridge

The riddle clue for Discovery Ridge will be nearly identical to the Plunder Valley text. Use the photos to best uncover the island you are looking for if your riddle refers to a large island in the Western Ancient Isles.

  • Riddle 1: We sail with her special chest! In the Western Ancient Isles. We looks for an island to keep it. Looks for a big one that can hide it.
location of cursed rogue chest on discovery ridge

Follow the paths to the southeastern side of the island, you will see a clearing and a huddled group of skeletons. You will hear them speaking, just follow the voices. After killing the skeletons dig in the center of the clearing. Best to use the photo in the journal for the exact location.

cursed rogue tall tale skeleton chest journal page 1 for discovery ridge
cursed rogue tall tale skeleton chest journal page 3 for discovery ridge
cursed rogue tall tale skeleton chest journal page 2 for discovery ridge
cursed rogue tall tale skeleton chest journal page 4 for discovery ridge

Lookout Point

For both Lookout Point and Mutineer Rock use the photos attached to help determine which island as the riddles are basically identical. They both are in the Southern Ancient Isles, and they both say “past the big island” and to find a smaller one. I mean technically I could describe the pictures, but it is much easier to just look for yourself.

  • Riddle 1: We sail with her special chest! In the Southern Ancient Isles. We looks for an island to keep it. Looks for one to hide it.
  • Riddle 2: Past the big island we sails. Best to finds a littler one. More likely to be missed.
cursed rogue skeleton chest location on lookout point

Make your way to the top of the island, Lookout Point. Follow the voices. It is not hard to miss as the island is small. The chest will be centered between the palm trees.

lookout point journal page 1 cursed rogue tall tale
lookout point journal page 2 cursed rogue tall tale
lookout point journal page 3 cursed rogue tall tale

Mutineer Rock

Mutineer Rock and Lookout Point are nearly identical riddle clues (pretty sure they are identical). The difference is the photos. Best to reference the photos to make sure you are headed to the right island based on the journal pages in your hands.

  • Riddle 1: We sail with her special chest! In the Southern Ancient Isles. We looks for an island to keep it. Looks for one to hide it.
  • Riddle 2: Past the big island we sails. Best to finds a littler one. More likely to be missed.
location for cursed rogue skeleton chest on mutineer rock

The huddle of skeletons will be on the south island, buried in the larger section adjacent from the cluster of rocks. Follow the voices, kill the skeletons, dig the chest.

journal 1 cursed rogue tall tale mutineer rock
journal 2 cursed rogue tall tale mutineer rock
journal 3 cursed rogue tall tale mutineer rock

Plunder Valley

Plunder Valley riddle clues are similar to Discovery Ridge. If your photos have a bird statue in them, you are in the right section. The large bird statue (AKA the Stone Guardian) is native to Plunder Valley.

  • Riddle 1: We sail with her special chest! In the Western Ancient Isles. We looks for an island to keep it. Looks for a big one that can hide it.
plunder valley cursed rogue skeleton chest location on island

Find the cave across from the bird statue along the center path of the island (also known as the Stone Guardian). Follow the cave passageways, and listen for the captain voice speaking of the chest. The chest will be buried in front of the bird statue shrine inside the cave.

plunder valley cursed rogue tall tale journal page 1 skeleton chest
plunder valley cursed rogue tall tale journal page 3 skeleton chest
plunder valley cursed rogue tall tale journal page 2 skeleton chest
plunder valley cursed rogue tall tale journal page 4 skeleton chest

Thieves’ Haven

  • We sail with her special chest! In the Southern Ancient Isles. We looks for an island to keep it. Looks for a big one that can hide it.
thieves haven cursed rogue skeleton chest location

Climb to the very tippy-top of the southeastern, largest portion of the island. You can get there by climbing up the mast in the center of the island, or climb the terrain. There are multiple paths leading you to the top. This island is probably the most confusing island to traverse, especially for digging up chests, so fair warning.

Once you make it about halfway up, the skeleton voices will begin to speak to you. Follow the sounds until you see three stone heads, the captain will the to the left of the stone heads. Kill the captain, then return back to the three stone heads. Stand front, center, and dig, use the photo for the exact location.  

journal page 1 for cursed rogue tall tale skeleton chest on thieves haven
journal page 2 for cursed rogue tall tale skeleton chest on thieves haven
journal page 3 for cursed rogue tall tale skeleton chest on thieves haven

Return to Madam Olivia at Plunder Outpost to get the Enchanted Compass

Opening the Cursed Rogue Skeleton Chest will reveal two items; Briggsy’s Broken Spyglass and Briggsy’s Star Map. These two items need to be taken back to Madam Olivia on Plunder Outpost so that she can do some vudu on the two objects resulting in a magical compass. The compass leads you to the last step in the quest; find Captain Briggsy, defeat her, and return her skull to Madam Olivia so that she can uncover her knowledge of the missing Shroudbreaker gemstones.

Find and Defeat Captain Briggsy to Retrieve her Skull

captain briggsys skull

The compass glows blue and can be found in your quest HUD, the same HUD used to access quest logs and the Tall Tale journals (default PC setting E). This compass will guide you to an island where Captain Briggsy can be found with her skeleton minions. You can just follow the compass, or use these tips to find the island quicker.

Islands Captain Briggsy is Known to Spawn On:

  • Crooked Masts
  • Discovery Ridge
  • Kraken’s Fall
  • Lone Cove
  • Mermaid’s Hideaway
  • Shipwreck Bay
  • Wanderer’s Refuge

The fight with Captain Briggsy is similar to the Fort final captain (boss) fight. She brings skeletons to life and ground pounds, knocking all pirates around her back. She will be harder to kill than most Captains you see out on the seas, but really, no different than any other Fort boss battle. When she eats her banana, it’s a sign that her life is low, so keep up the DPS, you’ll have her skull in no time.

Return Captain Briggsy’s Skull to Madam Olivia at Plunder Outpost

captain briggsys skull on the shelf

For the final time, return to Madam Olivia in her Order of Souls tent. The purpose of this is to uncover the secrets of the Shroudbreaker’s missing gemstones. Captain Briggsy knows who last had these gems. When handing Captain Briggsy’s skull over to Madam Olivia, a ritual will ensue. After the ritual, the Cursed Rogue Tall Tale is complete rewarding progress as well as 8,000 gold. You do not have to sit and listen to the full dialogue, but don’t log out before it concludes or you will not receive the gold or progression for completing the tale.


When I'm not grinding levels in my favorite MMOs I'm creating or crafting something for fun.

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