Sea of Thieves listened to the players and is now offering a way to alter your pirate’s appearance. It is not completely customizable but will allow you the opportunity to re-roll your pirate without losing your game progression.

What is the Pirate Appearance Potion?
The Pirate Appearance Potion allows players to re-roll their pirates’ appearance without resetting game progression. Progression includes, but is not exclusive to; Titles, Achievements, Reputation level, Commendations or Currencies. The potion is purchasable through the Pirate Emporium Shop.
How to Change Your Pirates Appearance in the Sea of Thieves
- Purchase 150 Ancient Coins
- For XBOX: Load up Sea of Thieves and Enter the Pirate Emporium and purchase from the shop
- For PC: Open the Microsoft Store App, find the Sea of Thieves game page and purchase 150 Ancient Coins (located in the add-on section)
- Purchase the Pirate Appearance Potion from the Pirate Emporium
- For XBOX: You will already be in the Pirate Emporium, locate the potion and purchase
- For PC: Load up Sea of Thieves, enter the Pirate Emporium, find the potion and purchase
- The game will prompt you to Restart for the potion to take effect.
- Continue following the prompts, after restarting the game, you will be asked if you would like to consume your pirate appearance potion. Select yes, and you will be taken to the Tavern to re-roll your pirate.
- Re-Rolling your pirate is randomized, each pirate will be unique
- Scrolling to either the left or right shows you all pirates currently in your rotation
- You have the option to favorite pirates, and continue to roll
- Hover the pirate you wish to favorite, press the hotkey selected (will be shown in the bottom left of your screen)
- Favoriting an appearance will let you continue to roll pirates you dislike until eventually, you find a pirate that suits your personality
- Once you have found a pirate you like, accept the appearance, this will ultimately consume your potion
- For those who choose not to consume the potion, you will have the option to save the potion for later. The hotkey will be displayed at the bottom left side of your screen.
Final Thoughts
Once you accept a new appearance you will be loaded into the game as usual. Resetting your pirate appearance resets your clothing selections as well as your equipment skins. You will have to re-customize your clothing, weapons, and equipment skins. You will not have to re-purchase, just re-select.
So long as the potion is functioning as intended, you will still have all of your progression. This includes; currencies, achievements, reputation levels, tall tale progress, and commendations, etc.
As you can see below, Rare has already resolved the issues with the Pirate Potion, so rest assured, this SHOULD be functioning properly now.